All you can do is present the truth in love. Tell the person
that, worldwide, 150,000 people die every 24 hours,
so he should get right with God today. Then in a firm
but gentle tone, say, “If my eyes meet yours on the Day
of Judgment and you are still in your sins, I’m free from
your blood—because I have told you the truth.” This
sounds harsh, but which is harsher—that the person is
offended by your frankness, or that he spends eternity
in the Lake of Fire?
Don’t be discouraged. If you have shared the truth,
then God will be faithful to bring conviction of sin, in
His time. Remember that when Paul reasoned with Felix
about righteousness, self-control, and judgment, Felix
just dismissed him (see Acts 24:25). Paul may have
thought that he made no headway, but the Bible says
that “Felix trembled” (KJV).